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[VOIP programgsm-1.0.6.tar.gz

Description: GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP 语音压缩算法
Platform: | Size: 55624 | Author: | Hits:

[VOIP programgsm-1.0pl2.tar.gz

Description: GSM 06.10 13 kbit/s RPE/LTP语音压缩
Platform: | Size: 52701 | Author: | Hits:


Description: a GSM 06.10 RPE­LTP coder and decoder in C
Platform: | Size: 65928 | Author: link | Hits:


Description: VisualC++通信编程工程实例精解 \\Chapter 2 \\Example 1 MSCOMM控件编程实例 \\Example 2 基于Windows API的虚拟终端实现 \\Example 3 基于CSerialPort的串口多线程通信框架 \\调试工具\\串口调试助手 \\Chapter 3 \\Example 4 Winsock API编程技术——基于Winsock的聊天室程序 \\Example 5 CAsyncSocket编程技术——基于CAsyncSocket的局域网通信程序 \\Example 6 CSocket编程技术——基于CSocket的局域网聊天室程序 \\扩充实例 基于CSocket的网络版中国象棋 \\调试工具\\TCPUDP调试助手 \\Chapter 4 \\Example 7 访问远程数据库MS SQLServer实例 \\Chapter 5 \\Example 8 以RS View32为服务器的OPC客户端编程 \\Example 9 一个OPC客户端监视程序 \\Chapter 6 \\Example 10 一个封装的Modem AT命令操作类的快速拨号程序 \\Chapter 7 \\Example 11 GSM和GPRS应用实例 \\扩充实例 基于CSocket的GPRS数据中心程序 \\调试工具和文档\\TCPUDP调试助手 MC55_ATC_V02.06.pdf TCP使用方法.doc 常用SMS指令一览表.pdf
Platform: | Size: 3571677 | Author: changyuan009 | Hits:

[VOIP programgsm-1.0.6.tar

Description: GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP 语音压缩算法 -GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP voice compression algorithm
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[VOIP programgsm-1.0pl2.tar

Description: GSM 06.10 13 kbit/s RPE/LTP语音压缩-GSM 06.1013 kbit/S RPE/LTP voice compression
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: a GSM 06.10 RPE­LTP coder and decoder in C
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: | Hits:

[Com PortVisualC++tongxin

Description: VisualC++通信编程工程实例精解 \Chapter 2 \Example 1 MSCOMM控件编程实例 \Example 2 基于Windows API的虚拟终端实现 \Example 3 基于CSerialPort的串口多线程通信框架 \调试工具\串口调试助手 \Chapter 3 \Example 4 Winsock API编程技术——基于Winsock的聊天室程序 \Example 5 CAsyncSocket编程技术——基于CAsyncSocket的局域网通信程序 \Example 6 CSocket编程技术——基于CSocket的局域网聊天室程序 \扩充实例 基于CSocket的网络版中国象棋 \调试工具\TCPUDP调试助手 \Chapter 4 \Example 7 访问远程数据库MS SQLServer实例 \Chapter 5 \Example 8 以RS View32为服务器的OPC客户端编程 \Example 9 一个OPC客户端监视程序 \Chapter 6 \Example 10 一个封装的Modem AT命令操作类的快速拨号程序 \Chapter 7 \Example 11 GSM和GPRS应用实例 \扩充实例 基于CSocket的GPRS数据中心程序 \调试工具和文档\TCPUDP调试助手 MC55_ATC_V02.06.pdf TCP使用方法.doc 常用SMS指令一览表.pdf -err
Platform: | Size: 3571712 | Author: changyuan009 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineGSMSRCcppSimplify

Description: GSM 06.10源代码,对大量宏定义进行了删除简化,增加了初学者的可读性。-GSM 06.10 source code, the definition of a large number of macros have been deleted to simplify and increase the readability of the beginners.
Platform: | Size: 1838080 | Author: yyc | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineen_300726v080001p

Description: ETSI EN 300 726 Digital cellular telecommunications systems (Phase 2+) Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) speech transcoding (GSM 06.60)-ETSI EN 300 726 Digital cellular telecommunications systems (Phase 2+) Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) speech transcoding (GSM 06.60)
Platform: | Size: 390144 | Author: swiss | Hits:

[Voice Compressgsm-pl12

Description: GSM 06.10 压缩和解压缩C程序源代码
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 黄维东 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developgsm-1.0.13.tar

Description: The low­ level speech compression algorithm of the GSM suite is called GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP (Regular­ Pulse Excitation Long­ Term Predictor). My colleague Dr. Carsten Bormann and I have implemented a GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP coder and decoder in C. Its source code is freely available, and we encourage you to use it, play with it, and invent new real­ time media protocols and algorithms. Our implementation consists of a C library and a stand­ alone program. Both are destined to be compiled and used on a Unix­ like environment with at least 32­ bit­ integers, but others have ported it to VMS and a MS­ DOS 16­ bit­ environment. GSM 06.10 is faster than code­ book lookup algorithms such as CELP, but by no means cheap to use it for real­ time communication, you will need at least a medium­ scale workstation. -The low­ level speech compression algorithm of the GSM suite is called GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP (Regular­ Pulse Excitation Long­ Term Predictor). My colleague Dr. Carsten Bormann and I have implemented a GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP coder and decoder in C. Its source code is freely available, and we encourage you to use it, play with it, and invent new real­ time media protocols and algorithms. Our implementation consists of a C library and a stand­ alone program. Both are destined to be compiled and used on a Unix­ like environment with at least 32­ bit­ integers, but others have ported it to VMS and a MS­ DOS 16­ bit­ environment. GSM 06.10 is faster than code­ book lookup algorithms such as CELP, but by no means cheap to use it for real­ time communication, you will need at least a medium­ scale workstation.
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: rdjusr | Hits:


Description: GSM 06.10 RELP声码器 C 语言的实现-GSM 06.10 RELP vocoder C language implementation
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: hao | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsGSM_HR

Description: GSM_HR说明文档 GSM_HR.rar 说明:用于存放ANSI_C_code_GSM_HR.zip或GSM 06.06(prETS 300 967)半速率话音C代码.zip的源代码。 注:original文件夹中的ANSI_C_code_GSM_HR.zip和GSM 06.06(prETS 300 967)半速率话音C代码.zip代码内容一致,只不过GSM 06.06(prETS 300 967)半速率话音C代码.zip作为ETSI官网中GSM 06系列半速率语音标准文件,相比在psdn上下的ANSI_C_code_GSM_HR.zip整理得更为清晰,有层次性。-GSM_HR说明文档 GSM_HR.rar 说明:用于存放ANSI_C_code_GSM_HR.zip或GSM 06.06(prETS 300 967)半速率话音C代码.zip的源代码。 注:original文件夹中的ANSI_C_code_GSM_HR.zip和GSM 06.06(prETS 300 967)半速率话音C代码.zip代码内容一致,只不过GSM 06.06(prETS 300 967)半速率话音C代码.zip作为ETSI官网中GSM 06系列半速率语音标准文件,相比在psdn上下的ANSI_C_code_GSM_HR.zip整理得更为清晰,有层次性。
Platform: | Size: 547840 | Author: lcd | Hits:

[OS programqbipot

Description: a GSM 06 10 RPE­LTP coder and decoder in C div hr div B 文件列表 B : d()
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: unwindimg | Hits:


Description: a GSM 06 10 RPE­LTP coder and decoder in C div hr div B 文件列表 B : d()
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: Mzdge | Hits:


Description: a GSM 06 10 RPE­LTP coder and decoder in C div hr div B 文件列表 B : d()
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: mismmum | Hits:

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